Mindfulness creates space, changing impulsive reactions to thoughtful responses. With mindfulness practice, we grow this space, enabling new, wiser responses, rather than automatically reacting to our triggers.
— Mindful Schools

Transforming Our Stress Through Mindfulness

The good news about stress is that we can get better at it.

Modern neuroscience shows that the skills of well-being are highly trainable and achievable through the practice of

mindfulness. By working with me, I offer you a systematic training in mindfulness to develop the habits of mind to not only

skillfully manage your stressors but also live your life with more balance, presence and joy. If you are interested in learning

these strategies, Nina S. Paul offers group workshops as well as more personal, one-on-one consultations for both adults and teens.

Group Workshops


Interested in learning the basics of mindfulness? Adults and teens can sign up for 4 or 6-week sessions to discover fundamentals and get started.



Try a one-on-one session and learn a more mindful approach to life. Together, we’ll implement proven techniques and positive mindset strategies.

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I’m less stressed and am more accepting of what is happening and dealing with it. 

“I am becoming more present in the moment... Both the good ones and the bad ones. I'm less fearful while awaiting test results. I’m less stressed and more accepting of what is happening and dealing with it.”

— A.B.


It’s time to combat “autopilot” syndrome.

Join me to live in the present moment, boost mental focus, and reduce stress. It’s easier than you think with some help.